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Eddie Pierre Loser is the Co-Director of Varyville. He assists Director P. with things such as managing files, preparing for events, etc. He arrived at Varyville on the same train as Direct.
Eddie always tries to be friendly with everyone. He's always on both sides of a situation and does what he thinks is best. He's known in the city for helping others. Although this sounds nice, the people he decides to help usually are quite inconsiderate and cruel. As a result, this puts a lot of stress on him. He's a nervous wreck.
By looking at him, you'd never be able to guess that weapons fascinate him. He has a knife collection, and his favorite knife is one that 'an old friend' gave him a very long time ago. The knife has a light pink ribbon on its handle.
Eddie doesn't intend to hurt anyone, and hates when he is reminded of his past before Varyville, when he would use his weapons with the intention to hurt.
Guilt is very heavy on him. It never goes away.

Age: Adult
Prns: He/Him
Era: Present
Title: The Co-Director